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Armor Plate Sealer / Finish 5gal. 18.9litr


ARMORPLATE works on most hard floor surfaces, including: Terrazzo, Marble, Vinyl, Timber, Concrete, Slate, Terracotta, etc.
The highest solids 32%, resulting in maximum durability. Requires fewer coats saving time and labour. Extends recoat and strip-out cycles, reducing labour costs

ARMORPLATE is Anti Powder. The polish does not break down into powder particles and retains its uniformity in all traffic conditions. This is even more prevalent in winter where the
dominance of Armor Plate shows up even further against other polishes.

ARMORPLTE is High Gloss, resulting in excellent presentation. Its highest Anti Slip rating is 0.70 (Industry Standard 0.40). Increased safety and
reduces public liability. Urethane Free. Easy to remove.

ARMORPLATE also has increased coverage, coverering more square meter-age of floor space. ARMORPLATE is self-levelling, providing a consistent and even coating across floor surfaces.

$582.50 +GST
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